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Blog Post #1

Or, “Hello, World!”

In this blog post, I will attempt to share some of my current thoughts and related ideas on “starting a blog”.


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

Why am I starting a blog? There are many reasons, but here are a few:

  • I hope this blog will help motivate me to consider new things.

  • I hope this blog will help inspire me to reconsider old things.

  • I hope this blog will help clarify my thoughts on new and old things.

  • And, I hope this blog will help others in these ways, as well.

Here are a few thoughts that crossed my mind as I considered starting a blog:

  • Knowing vs. Sharing - I think that getting and having knowledge can involve different skills than communicating knowledge. Although I might learn and know a thing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I can share a thing. However, I will do my best to convey my thoughts on a particular topic to try and minimize the gap between “what I know” and “what I share”.

  • Some vs. All - Although I might try to reduce the gap between “what I know” and “what I share”, I think it is extremely difficult (and possibly impossible) for me to completely convey all my thoughts on a particular topic. However, I will try to share enough of my thoughts on a particular topic so that most of the essence is sufficiently conveyed.

  • Past, Present, and Future - My present thoughts on a particular topic are based on my past experience and supplemented with research. However, I’m constantly experiencing and researching new and old things. And so, in the future, if/when I gain deeper/different thoughts on a particular topic, I will revise my past blog posts accordingly to better represent my present thoughts.

  • Opinions vs. Advice - Perhaps, if your context is similar to mine, there is a chance that my thoughts on a particular topic might resonate with and be relevant to you, as well. However, I don’t expect that all readers will have similar contexts. And so, I will try to avoid advising, and instead only try to present my perspective on a particular topic.

  • Topics and Associations - In my experience and research, I frequently find that many things are related to many other things. I’m always happy and increasingly unsurprised to discover similarities between 2 seemingly dissimilar topics. And so, I expect that the topics and contents of this blog will similarly be varied, linked, referenced, and connected.

As I’ve done above, it is my intention to begin each blog post with the statement, “In this blog post, I will attempt to share some of my current thoughts and related ideas on <X>.” (where “X” is the particular topic of the blog post). While this may seem an obvious statement to some, I think and hope it encapsulates and reminds me and others of the ideas above.

I'd also like to thank those that have suggested and encouraged me to start a blog.

I hope that this blog helps to motivate and inspire me, helps to clarify my thoughts, and helps you, as well.

And so, it seems I have started a blog. Thanks for reading…

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